sorry for my extended absense everyone. I've been busy with my regular job, preparing for the new baby which is due in about 3 weeks, and the large custom job which I posted about 2 months ago. If you all remember, I said vBCommerce's completion would be part of that job, and that I am under contract to finish it up in 3 months since that announcement. It's been 2 months, and vBCommerce is for the most part done, just needs the generalizing touches (right now it is in the form used for the custom job). Right now I am finishing up that job (there was much more to it than vBCommerce

) and then will get to releasing vBCommerce.
Thanks everyone for your patience! I'm aware its been a year, I have so much stuff backlogged that I couldnt begin to tell you about it, and Im sure you're sick of PixelFX's spiel about it

You are welcome to try out any of the similar stuff in the meantime if you are sick of waiting - I will alert everyone about the release when it is ready so you are free to check it over and see if you want to switch back.
We closed the site temporarily as I haven't gotten a chance to go through the messages yet, and everyone was getting too antsy. I will open it after I get through the messages, although you could send serious support requests here or to my numerous contact methods on my profile. It is by no means a sign that we are closing for good, in case you were thinking that. Actually, both PixelFX and I are looking to expand more through it as there is so much promise with just vBCredits.
Thank you Digital Jedi and the couple other of you for getting to the questions I have missed! Thanks, and welcome to those of you who are installing vBCredits for the first time. Despite being RC2, vBCredits 1.4 is for the most part stable - the only reason it is not in the final form is due to the thread/post negation awards being removed for the time being. Other than that is some extremely trivial bugs, so go ahead and try it if you are waiting for the final version.
I'm going to now go through and answer the outstanding posts from the last week or so