Originally Posted by genesteinberg
Just some suggestions: How about having this product email you a daily reminder report in the same fashion as the other product that performs this function?
Also, when you get a message that a member's email address is no longer valid, how about an option to automatically disable that person's membership? It beats manual, particularly when you've got several dozen or more to go through?
I'm about to upload an update that does just that.. watch this space..
Originally Posted by SwollenCranium
Same here.
'Disable hooks' was my only way to gain access.
Originally Posted by abrecher
This mod is crashing my database. I had to uninstall.
Originally Posted by wingrider
There is a syntax error in your code. It brought my system down completely... Database Error. I can't even access the AdminCP. Others BEWARE before installing this upgrade.
Sorry this has messed up for you guys - is there any chance you still have a copy of the email with the error? problem is, it works fine on mine so its hard to test...
Originally Posted by Endurer
I have the 3.6 version installed, should I uninstall that one and install this one?