Several of my forum users are having trouble using this applet. For about half the users it works fine, but for the other half...
XEN Nickname is already in use.
-- *** No ident response
-- *** Ident broken or disabled, to continue to connect you must type /QUOTE PASS 11518
When the user types /QUOTE etc. it disconnects them.
Even if their username is standard alphanumeric (e.g.
Dan123) Some users get:
bad username, please disconnect and enter a correct username.
Some users are getting Ident issues, or it says their usernames are invalid:
Your username is invalid.
Connect with your real username, in lowercase.
If your mail address were, your username would be foo.
Error : Closing Link: OcTaNe91 by (USER: Bad username)
Disconnected from
I'm using Undernet as you can see. Is this the problem? These users were able to connect fine using standalone IRC clients like mIRC and Xchat. I've had about 20 users try so far and only 10-12 were able to connect using the java client. Thanks.