Originally Posted by aggiefan
just another question (and its the only thing keeping me from using the new version) is i hate the defacto image for the highslide video. is there any way (hopefully with the caching stuff) that you could put a graphic there of the video instead of the one graphic? its the only reason im still using the old view is it has that pre-render screenshot of the video.
and i know a few sites do it right (youtube seems to be the only one so far... atleast that we use) but it needs to work with all of them.
You can change the default image if you like. If it shows the default image instead of a thumbnail for the video it's because the site makes it impossible for me to grab it or I just haven't coded it in yet.
Originally Posted by influence
is there any fix for this?
I just installed your hack and I decided to post a new thread for testing but now I am getting this error message on your forum
at the top of the page, it shows this
Warning: curl_setopt() [function.curl-setopt]: CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when in safe_mode or an open_basedir is set in [path]/goldbrick/includes/class_goldbrick.php on line 526
then below it shows this error message
vBulletin Message
Unable to add cookies, header already sent.
File: /home/rapflava/public_html/forums/includes/class_core.php
Line: 3243
any fix? its a nice hack and I would like to keep it
It's fixed in version 1.9 which is posted a couple of pages back and the think should show in this post. If you want you ca just remove that line from the php code also. safe_mode will be removed from PHP 6 and it really just gives users a false sense of security.
Originally Posted by PAKIDIL
i have install this can u please tell me how can i take .flv url from this code
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="380" height="325" wmode="transparent" data="/vplayer/mediaplayer.swf?file=/videos/cz/cz_blue-berry-cake_blue-maria.mp4.flv&autostart=false&showfsbutton=true&im age=/videos/cz/zakir.jpg">
<param name="movie" value="/vplayer/mediaplayer.swf?file=/videos/cz/cz_blue-berry-cake_blue-maria.mp4.flv&autostart=false&showfsbutton=true&im age=/videos/cz/zakir.jpg&width=380&height=325" />
<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
<embed src="/vplayer/mediaplayer.swf?file=/videos/cz/cz_blue-berry-cake_blue-maria.mp4.flv&autostart=false&showfsbutton=true&im age=/videos/cz/zakir.jpg" loop="false" width="380" height="325" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer">
when i paste the whole code in forum nothing shows .
waiting for reply thanks
If you give me a link to the site I might be able to add it to the list of sites.
Originally Posted by ImageMaverick
Does anyone have site file that works with screencast, or can anyone make one? it is beyond my ability... www.screencast.com those videos are streaming .flv files and have similar youtube type features...
Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Here is an example url that needs to be processed. Using the youtube thing i guess sticks a "v" in there somewhere that is required for youtube but it breaks this code.
I can look into it.
Originally Posted by eak
I have a ploblem when I log in. I click on picture it's show this message
but when I log out The mod run Ok
I have installed 1.91 and Vb 3.7.2 now
and I read
I wish to know how to do that nix?
Are you saying it's working for you now?
Moving attachments to the file system in in your vbulletin adminCP. You also have to make a folder and give it the right permissions.
I have a version that is pretty much ready to go. I hope to get some free time this week to release it.