Originally Posted by nighteyes
They are upset that people have recently been critical of their making promises of various release dates and never delivering the final product. Apparently vBCommerce was promised 10 months ago for example and still not even the sign of an Alpha release.
The simple solution would be stop making promises unless you are 100% sure you can deliver upon them. vBulletin developers learned that lesson. Maybe these guys will learn now. Especially given they are part-time (at best) developers struggling to find time to develop vBulletin add-ons.
Personally I don't think we will ever see vBCommerce. 
I agree 100% with you. Sometimes the eyes are bigger than the stomach and you can't deliver. It happens. If they're working out the kinks and bugs, I'd rather they do that than release it and it destroys forums...
Well, somebody will come along with the next big thing...I'll patiently wait.