I now have it working correctly in all browsers except when I view it in IE on the widescreen laptop it is off by 1px. On regular screen IE is ok.
This is what I have:
In Main CSS >> Body (Customized in this Style) >> Extra CSS Attributes I have this:
background-color: #FFF;
background: url(http://www.xxxx.com/forums/images/gr...ader_white.jpg) no-repeat top center;;
padding: 200px 0px 20px 0px;
I also have in Main CSS >> Body (Customized in this Style) >> Standard CSS Attributes >> Background:
I have the box beside Background empty. No color for background.
In StyleVars >> Sizes and Dimensions >> Main Table Width (pixels or percentage)
I have Table Width for the board set to 950 . No px or percentage beside it, just 950.
This is what I have in my header template:
<!-- content table -->
Any suggestions?
I also would like a boarder around the whole thing. Any suggestions on that?