How do you handle account deletion requests?
As a forum admin how do you deal with requests from members to have their account deleted?
Rather than a member leaving their account dormant, in recent months I have seen an increase in these types of requests. Typically it is also accompanied with a request to have all their posts deleted as well.
Currently I advise members that they can only request deletion via a PM from the account to be deleted to a site administrator. I also advise them that it is their responsibility to delete any content they have submitted before the account is deleted.
I also warn that deleting posts etc is to some degree useless as they may have been quoted or their submission copied to another site, cached by search engines/ISP's etc, on backups etc etc etc.
So what do you do?
EDIT : Until recently I would advise that account deletion was not possible, however since the "facebook" legal action recently I now delete accounts and mark any posts as being posted by "Deleted User"