Originally Posted by chadi
Thanks. One more minor problem.
The spacing on each side is not there as it normally is in the forum globally. See attached.
These problems are really related to the set up of your custom skin file. It is not easy for me to track them down and fix. In a correctly set vb skin structure, there will be no such differences but if you designer changes the vb skin's structure and used some elements in navbar instead of header or viceversa, webtemplates might not follow it.
For instance when I compare source codes of your pages I see your forumhome page is inside a
<div align="center">
<div class="page" style="width:100%; text-align:left">
<div style="padding:0px 15px 0px 15px" align="left">
frame which your webtemplate is not. I don't know where does this structure comes from. In a regular vb skin structure it should be set in header/footer and if it were the case, webtemplate would also acquire it automatically. (provided that you use default vb header/footer in your webtemplate setting!). But say if your designer put this structure inside forumhome template, webtemplate might not inherit it, hence problem.
You can try to use this inside your webtemplate theme and see if it will fix things and if not, I suggest you to contact the skin designer.