Originally Posted by TimIng2211
This is a great little mod and perfect for my needs.
One thing I'm struggling is this, I can see the category and forums on page2 no problem, but when in a forum, when clicking on the articles link in the breadcrumb navigation at the top, I am taken to Page1 not back to page2 (library.html) - www.digigreen.net/forums/index.php?page=2 then to any of the forums.
How do I change this?
I am too having this problem. ALSO, $_GET['page'] Dosent seem to be getting passed to the $page variable, and the $_GET[page] dosent pass to subforums, even when the subforums are specified (easy fix though, just use $forum['page'] or something of the like)
Thanks for the work! (BTW why are there multiple plugins with the exact same thing? oh and the plugin can be simplified to
if (empty($_GET[page]))
$_GET[page] = '1';
$page = $_GET[page];