Originally posted by GB
I installed the hack and it does not work. I saved my options in my cp once I finished installing the hack.
You should have finishwd installing the hack and then save your options.
Your reference to line numbers in each php file are really a pain in the butt. It would make it alot easier if you made some sort of reference as to what code it should go below or above instead of line numbers...
I don't understand what's so difficult. If you know you have hacks then you know the line numbers aren't correct for your scripts. So you should look at an original script. Look at the line number and see for yourself where you should add the code in your hacked script. It has to be easier for both of us when I write line numbers. What would you say if I did do what you want, like Operations did above(thank you very much Operations), and it just so happened that the code I mention is also hacked in your script, then you would never find the spot to where the code should be placed. Nah I'll stick to my line numbers. Sorry!
The other point to make is, if you have a clue as to how to program in PHP, then you should be able to see right away where the code belongs. If your not proficient in PHP programming then you really aught not to be playing around with hacks. Especially ones that change the form of the database like mine. That's why I said in the install, "Only continue if you know what your doing!"