Slight problem exists with vBSEO.
Mod works perfectly in threads with displayed images. When you switch to an album to view a picture and you click the picture for a full size it opens the picture in a new or same window. It does not trigger the "rel=lightbox (or whatever you have)" tag correctly. I disabled vBSEO and voila! Problem fixed. I also tried the default skin and it does the same thing.
vBSEO does not like this mod.
I am running:
3.7.2 P1 VB Release
3.1 vBSEO
Firefox 3, IE 7 (I tried both, same result). I primarily use FF.
Any ideas?
For anyone else experiencing the same problem I did, you need to check "no" to Add rel="nofollow" to all external links, dynamic pages, and sorting links under the cp of vBseo.