OK, back on track here guys. Pete, I agree vbpicgallery isn't a garage. I think Veccy was just offering me a suggestion that may or not be suitable for my application in the interim of someone producing one which will work for us. For the idea, I appreciate his effort and I'm sure once he saw the link I posted to the forum above with a garage, he saw the differences in what he has and what I need.
As for "Thankfully one is just about done", do we have confirmation of that from a certain source that one is REALLY almost done that will be made available to the public. I assume you're talking about the one for e1320.com. However, that thread looks to have gone stail with no updates from him since the end of July.
I would post a request for an update but since this is the determing factor of our purchase, I haven't a license and hence, can't post in the real meat of the forum to inquire. I would happily watch closely if someone was to post in that thread (that I linked in my first post of this thread) asking for an update on teh status and if he was still going to make it available for free.