Originally Posted by Veccy 150
If you are talking to me then i never stated in my post that it was a garage module, i simply said that i use it for my garages.
Read it properly please before jumping the gun next time.
I didn't jump any gun - [quote Veccy 150]We are using vbpicgallery as a garages system at the moment and
it does the job fine until something more suited comes out. [/quote]
That is your OPINION - which is as useless as any one else's opinion including mine.
vpicgallery is NOT a garage. It is a picture gallery. If it works great for you - woo f'n hoo. It does not work great for many of us. This thread (and countless others) are for people who want a REAL garage. Thankfully one is just about done.
Comprehend please before jumping the gun next time. Unbelievable.