Originally Posted by pmkb
I've installed this mod on one of my forums and I see that it is displaying the album name for the image's alt attibute and underneath the thumbnail as a caption ($lpicture['title']). I would much prefer to see the picture's title instead of the album title.
How could I change that? Is there another array element I could substitute for the bolded text here:
$lpicture['title'] = trim(strip_quotes($lpicture['title']));
This is what I'm trying to do too. Has anyone managed to figure it out yet?
I believe this is the phrase that shows the picture title...
The template that needs to be altered is the 'afm_picture' template (just above Album Templates).
Look for this code:
<img title="$lpicture[title]" class="inlineimg" src="picture.php?pictureid=$lpicture[pictureid]&albumid=$lpicture[albumid]&thumb=1" border="0" alt="$lpicture[title]" />
The red text is what needs to be changed but when you insert the other phrase, it doesn't show any alt text at all.
I'm at a dead end now, maybe this has given someone else an idea. Does this phrase need to be referenced in the product file maybe?