There is a bug allowing the use of img and other tags. Once a user edits the post and adds the tags (After it has been submitted, editing from the archive view) you can use the img tag bypassing the block. Any chance this could be fixed ASAP?
Ok, if anyone else has this problem, I just commented out the link to edit a post in the archive view. It's not the ideal solution and prevents people from being able to edit a post for legitimate reasons, but until it is fixed this will have to do for me.
Here is the code to change in the cyb_chatbox_archive_bit template if you wish to do this as well:
<div id="cybcb_editlink_$cybcb_msg_arc_id"><a class="smallfont" href="#" onclick="return ccb_MessageID.Edit($cybcb_msg_arc_id)">$vbphrase[edit]</a></div>
Change to:
<div id="cybcb_editlink_$cybcb_msg_arc_id"><!--<a class="smallfont" href="#" onclick="return ccb_MessageID.Edit($cybcb_msg_arc_id)">$vbphrase[edit]</a>--></div>