Originally Posted by Gryphon
Without an error, it is tough for me to guess what could be causing a problem. One issue that could possibly cause a problem is bogus usernames, but there is usually an error report from that. The other option is that your server for some reason ceased to be able to resolve xbox.com
That would make no sense, wouldn't nothing show up if that were the case?
On an unrelated note, it appears that you do not have clientscript/overlib/overlib.js uploaded.
That doesn't seem possible - I uploaded the stuff out of the archive as is. I could try reuploading, though.
Edit: It was there, in the wrong place. There was a clientscript directory underneath clientscript - I must have uploaded it starting from the wrong directory. That directory is now in the right place; would that have anything to do with this?
I looked in my task log, and the last entry from earlier at 11:15AM was there, when it was "stuck at 36". I see there's now one at 2:20PM and it added one more - I'm now at 37. But I have about 180 people in there with profiles, and it's seeing only 37. One of the 180 I added manually myself after it was seemingly stuck at 36.
Still don't know where to go with this.
Edit 2: And another one got added at 3:13PM. I don't udnerstand why it's seeing them sometimes, and not other times.
What does this mod do if they put in a username, and have their settings on Xbox set to not broadcast what they're doing? Would that gum up this addon?