Phalynx: Hello master of vBExperience !
I was wondering if you can do something for the next version. I want to reward my users with prizes, so i setup a few vBExperience medals. But now i realise i have some top users that take all the prizes, and they remain on top every time. Can you do something so i can see/sort what user is doing better for the last week, or month, or something like that ?
I mean, let's get an example:
User X goes to 1000 points. The closest one is user Y,Z,W with 100 points.
There is no way on earth that user Y will ever get higher than user X !
But, as user X is getting lazy (knowing nobody can reach him), i want to see which one from users Y,Z,W is trying harder lately.
So, as for last week User X points increase is going lower, but Y,Z,W is getting higher, although not even close to X. I want to see which one from Y,Z,W has done the best in last week.
Can we have that ?

Something like a medal for "Last week wannabe hero !"

Thx in advance !