Originally Posted by cheat-master30
While I have no interest in posting in this topic, I'd say it should be one post per forum, as in one post per licensed vBulletin forum, not per user. That way, people with multiple can have ratings for each, those with one can have ratings for that, no spamming of the same board. Sound fair enough?
The problem with this is that it means if we only have one forum, we can only give one rating.
Or I could post and then say
Which would break the thread considering my rating would be irrelevant as the next poster would have to rate it again or the forum that I rated.
It might be annoying if someone posts like 19 forums they own, or if someone keeps replying for ratings on there own, but who knows if it's beneficial in either case to the admin of those sites, who cares? Don't call it advertising either, because every post of mine could be considering advertising, well everyone elses' really since our forums our in our sigs.
Good style but shape isn't that attractive
I would like to know what you mean by shape?
The shape of what?
Don't worry I can take criticism and always look to improve, but what shape are you talking about, its' a webpage what shape should it be, circular? lolz