I'm sorry I have to respond here though.
Cricket is awesome. My Ex-fiancee used to play cricket, she was Australian, I got to see a game or two. Such an awesome sport.
I'll give you some bullets:
- Pro - clean layout
- Pro - good color combinations, love the logo
- Pro - good content, and great front page
- Con - too large of avatars
- Con - design is good but layout is kind of basic color wise, white is boring after a while
- Con - where's the video content?
P.S. good job on the buttons to, bigger, so on a nice large monitor like I have with this pc they are easy to see on the big screen.
Overall 7/10
For whoever that does mine I'm aware of:
* the arcade/any media system isn't done
* photoplog missing editor buttons and edit/delete buttons aren't unique
* Zoints tags aren't working when you hit a tag, it goes to a 404 error
Site is taking forever to finish!
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