Originally Posted by davidw
I join maybe .01% of the forums I visit nowadays and that's purely for access to something I cannot attain elsewhere.
What exactly do you wish to attain that you can't elsewhere? Example please:
I'm just curious.
I'm sure many IO, would prefer dealing with a software they know. I don't mind other software, but sometimes I"m like...where is this and where is that in certain forum softwares.
The board I frequent the most aside from my own ironically is gamefaqs.com.
I have nothing against other peoples boards here or anything, it's a Time issue as David stated. I just don't have time to go around and post at everyone else's sites. It's like coming here, I mainly coming here to clear my head after finishing something, design, coding, etc.
to answer your question I would prefer it to be familiar and a VB, but it doesn't have to be, and I don't have time anyways.
I go to:
my own site obviously
midway.com - big MK fan
thefinalfantasy.com - still on the top 50 or so for posting like 9 years or so there
that's it.