I might be dense - but I've looked through all of the posts on 3.6 and this thread - have seen these two questions asked multiple times but have never seen any answers to them. I have this installed, manage banners shows up, banners show up in control panel, urls input, no problems there.
Problem 1 - no matter what banner - when you mouse over it the cursor changes to a hand, but when you click on it nothing happens. Tried changing addresses in the CP - nothing I've tried makes the banner links active.
Problem 2 - only had 3 banners, but when you refresh the page it sometimes come up with no banner. Doesn't matter if it's set to continuous or random. Also doesn't seem to matter what any of the other settings are set to in the CP. Tried deleting two of the banners so that all I had was one banner - but it still does the same thing. Sometimes the banner is displayed and other times the banner doesn't come up.
Anyone have any ideas?