IS there any chance that a setting could be added so that the resize window setting can be defined. I tried to look at the code a little but I have to work this weekend and it may take me a while to work through this.
I know the HTML code that does the resizing is in here:
PHP Code:
<tr valign="top">
<td class="alt1">Plugin PHP Code <dfn>Use this field to enter the PHP code that you would like to be run.</dfn><p><input type="button" unselectable="on" value="Large Edit Box" class="button" style="font-weight:normal" onclick="'textarea.php?dir=ltr&name=phpcode','textpopup','resizable=yes,width=' + (screen.width - (screen.width/10)) + ',height=600');" /></p></td>
<td class="alt1"><div id="ctrl_phpcode"><textarea name="phpcode" id="ta_phpcode_5" class="code" rows="10" cols="45" wrap="virtual" dir="ltr" tabindex="1" title="name="phpcode"">if ($vbulletin->options['psar_enable'])
function psar_add_button()
global $vbulletin, $vbphrase, $psar_started;
if ($psar_started)
$contents = ob_get_clean();
$find = '<input type="reset"';
$button = '<input class="button" tabindex="1" name="return" value=" '.$vbphrase['psar_save_and_reload'].' " accesskey="s" type="submit">';
echo preg_replace("/$find/", ' ' . $button . ' ' . $find, $contents);
function psar_return_to_plugin()
global $vbulletin, $psar_redirect_started;
if ($psar_redirect_started)
$pluginid = intval($vbulletin->GPC['pluginid']);
$contents = ob_get_clean();
$contents = str_replace('"plugin.php?', '"plugin.php?do=edit&pluginid='.$pluginid.'&', $contents);
$contents = str_replace('"plugin.php"', '"plugin.php?do=edit&pluginid='.$pluginid.'"', $contents);
echo $contents;
}</textarea><div class="smallfont"><a href="#" onclick="return resize_textarea(1, 'ta_phpcode_5')">Increase Size</a> <a href="#" onclick="return resize_textarea(-1, 'ta_phpcode_5')">Decrease Size</a></div></div></td>
I have not found the function for the "resize_textarea" to see if we could use a value larger then "1" for example "7" that would allow the editor window to open 7-steps larger. If that were the case, then perhaps the save and reload could have a configuration setting so the window is always saved to some desired width.
Just a suggestion and I may try to figure it out although I rarely make code changes in the vBEditor anyways (I like simple old TextPad).