Hello VBSEO Team, I am a VBSEO customer and also have sitemaps, I have uploaded all the files into the right places and CHMOD 777 on the data folder. But when I go to 'myforum'/vbseo_sitemap.xml.gz I get this message 'Page not found'. I have gone over and over, but everything seems to be isntalled in the right places the sitemaps console panel under vbulletin options works, but sitemap does not. Please help, vbseo installed fine I don't know why the problem for me with sitemaps, I have even uninstalled sitemaps and resinstalled it. For somereason no site map XML file is in my root directory, the software is meant to create an XML file for the site map automatically right? My data directory does show a vbseo_sitemap.xml.gz in it, but there is no such file if I go to my root directory either vbseo_sitemap.xml.gz or vbseo_sitemap.xml? There is no sitemap
Info about my server/webhosting from my vbulletin control panel:
Server Type Linux
Web Server Apache v1.3.39 (cgi)
PHP 4.4.7
PHP Max Post Size 8.00 MB
PHP Maximum Upload Size 2.00 MB
MySQL Version 5.0.51a-community
MySQL Packet Size 15.00 MB
Thanks from Josh