Originally Posted by Cybernetec
To have ChatBox enabled on desired page:
1. THIS_SCRIPT must be defined in php file (by default all important vBulletin files has this)
2. Hack options - You must add THIS_SCRIPT value for target page to "Show ChatBox on" setting field
3. Main template called on target page must contain "$cybchatbox" variable
To have ChatBox enabled on vBa CMPS:
1. Hack options - Add "adv_index" to "Show ChatBox on" setting field (values in this field should be separated by commas) > Save
2. vBa CMPS Default Settings - add "cybchatbox" to "Portal Output Global Variables" field (values in this field should be separated by carriage return) > Save
3. [Optional] Template "adv_portal" - add "$cybchatbox" to line where you want ChatBox to appear (for example below "$navbar") > Save
Is it possible to have the chatbox in specific forums only?