Originally Posted by ShadowOne
This Hack Works Fine...
Originally Posted by Alfa1
Jacquii, you should be able to get this hack working with the help of ShadowOne. He has been supporting this hack, even though it is not his hack.
Originally Posted by trilljester
I'm having no issues with this hack, other than I'd love it to do editing inline instead of popping up a box.
Explain what problems you're having with the hack, Jacquii and we can help, I'm sure!
Well - I must admit - I was only a little enibriated when I posted my last comment LOL
But so many in this thread (myself included) have reported issues with the Edit button not working when clicked. So the modification doesn't "work fine" --- Basically I've given up on trying to get the modification to work because the Author has done absolutely nothing to support it.
Thanx YAWL for the offer of help - Perhaps when I'm a bit less jaded I will consider :P