I have a very simple problem with this mod. Why the script needs to be run for every single link?
We have three cases:
1. accessing a bookmarked or spidered link like
www.example.com/oldforum/index.php. That /
oldforum/ directory
no longer exists, ofcourse.
2. click on an older link when browsing the
new, vbulletin forum;
3. An ordinary link like example.com/test.htm, or example.com/contact.htm.
In all cases this mod is run, and i think it's not ok. First a root .
htaccess must be setup, doing a redirect of all requests from /oldforum/ to /newforum/.
THEN, in the /newforum/ you can put a second .
htaccess that redirects to 404.php and starts running the script.
In that way you don't parse every single link, but just the ones you are interested in. Am I correct?
For now, the only way to do this 404.php working, is to put the .htaccess in the root folder, and parse the 404.php file every single time, even with the links with no relations to the old, erased forum.
Or, you can keep the /oldforum/ directory, and put inside a .htaccess to permanently redirect all requests to the /newforum/, where we have this 404.php file...