I have just installed this on my 3.6.8 Vs 2. How do I check that it has worked Please?
I have just tried to that "Spiderlist" through my ACP -> P&P -> Product Manage -> add/Import, but it showed as "Invalid File Specified". Is it because it is for the 3.7.2? Where as I have the 3.6.8?
I asume it is just the spiderlistXML file that I am supposed to upload?
How do I check that the upload of this hack is working for me Please? (I have been in ACP -> Who's Online Options -> Enable Spider Display -> Yes. (No spiders on at present).
When I downloaded it earlier, Google sider was on - but it was showing as a Guest (as usual). What I have done above will be seen by the members of the forum now - wouldn't it?
Many Thanks,