EDIT: Unfortunately machinima uses a hash for their embed code, so this doesn't work:
PHP Code:
// Machinima - added by Roi Danton 2008-08
$passiveVid[] = array (
'string' => '#'.$urlrx[0].'(?:www\.)?machinima.com/film/view&id=(\d+)'.$urlrx[1].'#',
'replacement' => '$PASSIVEURL = $matches[1]; $PASSIVETITLE = $matches[3]; $PASSIVEEMBED = \'<embed src="http://www.machinima.com:80/_flash_media_player/mediaplayer.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="400" height="300" flashvars="&file=http://www.machinima.com:80/f/\'.$matches[2].\'&height=300&width=400"></embed>\'; return "'.$customstring.'";',
'id' => 739478963
Furthermore the hash seems to have a salt, tested
with this vid:
PHP Code:
$algo = array();
$algo = array_values(hash_algos());
$id = 23783;
$output = "Ergebnisse: \n";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($algo); $i++ ) {
$hash_val = hash ( $algo[$i] , $id );
$output .= $algo[$i] .": " . $hash_val;
if( $hash_val == "b2b169e3a154ba334739691c5e7a81c3" ) { $output .= " -> TRUE!"; }
$output .= "\n";
return $output;