I have installed this on my 3.7.2 test forum and everything seems to work as intended which is great.
However, I have noticed a quirk....
If an admin goes to ACP Paid Sub Manager and edits an existing user subscription then a PM is also sent to the user. Is there anyway to stop this from happening?
And, I have a couple of suggestions....
It would be great to have replacement variables in the PM text, for example:
Hello {UserName}
Thanks for subscribing to {PaidSubName}, I can confirm that we have received your payment of {PaidSubAmount} and your account has now been upgraded
So this would be received as
Hello JohnDoe
Thanks for subscribing to The Greatest Subscription on Earth, I can confirm that we have received your payment of ?1,000,000 and your account has now been upgraded
Another suggestion, which I am sure many people will really appreciate is the ability to run custom SQL calls on subscription. As a silly example, buying a paid sub increases your post count by 100 and gives you 1000 in casino money (see Casino mod here on vb.org) So you would define additional SQL as:
update user set posts = posts + 100 where userid = {userid}
update user set casino_cash = casino_cash + 1000 where userid = {userid}
And finally, another suggestion - have the ability to exclude usergroups/userid from receiving the PM
EDIT: Note to self, read the entire mod description before wading in with a "quirk report"

However having the ability to exclude userid from the PM could prevent this. So if an admin is making a sub edit they temporarily add the userid into exclusions, make the edit and then remove it.
EDIT 2: If for whatever reason you do not want to make these changes do you mind if I take the current mod code base and extend it to perform these functions?