Originally Posted by legionofangels
Exactly, when they add new programs it eliminates the need for either vbulletin.org's modifications that members make, or you can upgrade and have the same thing.
You use photoplog on your forum just as we do, you use 3.7 because that was what they were selling when you bought it. I have photoplog like you, so why should I upgrade?
No point.
I use 3.7 cos it's the latest version, when you buy you have the option to download an earlier version if you wish.
I don't use the albums because I have photoplog, but there are quite a few features that are very useful 3.7 has that 3.6 doesn't have, even something that there are not mods for.
If you have a license and able to download the latest version, it's worth doing because everything in 3.6 is in 3.7, and you get more.