Originally Posted by iogames
But no version of vB has been perfect [I'm Ok with that don't take me wrong] so by the same logic, never buy a vB's license  [not-you but the end user]
This was what I was going for. There never has been a version without a security leak and there won't ever be one, so at the end of the day why buy vBulletin when you can have just as much of a security issue with any other software out there that does the same thing vBulletin has.
I'm not a fanboy, I think practically, and if vBulletin has as many security issues as the other software, that's probably why major companies just take free software versions. Like you said, why pay for something that is flawed?
Originally Posted by Paul M
Where did I say that ? Dont put words into my mouth please.
You outright said it. You don't use any features that came with 3.7 aside from maybe the image resizing, which is an addon here, so there was no point to upgrade.
Don't back out of statements that you already made.
Originally Posted by Spank
I'm running 3.7 and will upgrade to the newest as soon as it comes out. I have albums turned off, cos it's a pointless feature when you have photoplog.
Exactly, when they add new programs it eliminates the need for either vbulletin.org's modifications that members make, or you can upgrade and have the same thing.
You use photoplog on your forum just as we do, you use 3.7 because that was what they were selling when you bought it. I have photoplog like you, so why should I upgrade?
No point.
Originally Posted by Shazz
Whats pointless about it...
What reason should anyone upgrade? To have the latest version with the latest security leak?
Features that we won't use or many of you like Paul have turned off, and Spank who has a mod already that does the same thing. Hello?
Originally Posted by iogames
I just pointed the fact that we are paying for flawed items [Ok for me] and the Money is used to fix those flaws... [like the Donkey and the carrot allegory  ]
But is the only way this can advance! do you see the beauty!?!?!
p.s. some who doesn't understand the cycle, complaint about it... just a THOUGHT!
p.s. or Maybe we get to the point/day were we pay $180 for something 'Perfect' 
My PS2 worked for 7 years before it broke, it cost me 200 dollars, my first pc cost 1300 dollars and lasted 7 years. Nothing is perfect, but if you're going to be hacked, you're going to be hacked. There is no software anyone will ever make that I believe will be totally flawless.
Therefore I see no need to rebuy a software when I have a copy of it. That's the advantage and difference between the software and the hardware.
Also, I was wrong my PS 2 still works, on PS2 games only, so it's on it's last legs.
But I've bought the software, copied all my images, templates and codings, in effect we have backups, if we get hacked we can just reinstall everything rather than fighting through upgrades that we don't need.
I honestly went back and forth for awhile but I kept finding another solution with help from others, or coders that made it so that I just don't need another version of vBulletin, which is awesome. I would never get sucked in by it's initial popularity, it's not like Car Insurance you really don't need to keep upgrading.
That's a delusion to keep money flowing into there company.