Originally Posted by lostinjapan
Have read through the entire thread. Made some mods others couldn't seem to find...but now I seem to be stumped on something and was wondering if someone could help...
Our vBulletin forum site uses various styles ranging from shades of white to shades of black. This makes certain font colors difficult to read on specific other styles.
To cope with this I've modified the background color of the message and message input areas to stay a static white, as well as modified the list of available colors (the drop-down box) to only darker ones which show up well.
The problem is if someone doesn't select a text color and they are set to 'default', there are certain darker styles in which their text will not be readable in the chatbox or message input areas.
Is there a way to set a default text color and if so - can you point me to the line of code?
So...can someone help me find the piece of code so I can set the default text for the chatbox to black instead of having it automatically be set to the user's current style font color? Please.