VB memory optimization for Form Hack: As you noticed, the plugin for the form hack is large. Since VB stores plugin code in memory, this module uses relatively a lot of memory. Also every time you need to edit the plugin, VB parses the code for color coding which takes 5+ secs before you can edit. To save memory and enable faster editing of the form hack plugin: 1. create a new file in WordPad, 2. cut and paste ALL the form hack code into that new file, 3. add a <?php tag at the very beginning and a ?> tag at the very end of the file., 4. save the file with a php extension, (ie: form_hack.php). 5. insert this code into the form hack plugin (the period indicates the path is relative to the VB forum directory):
That's it. VB can now dynamically load the module only when needed, and you don't need to wait for VB to parse the code whenever editing the form hack code.