I coped with the problem, it works and was working, but there are some nuances.
Originally Posted by nix
Are you using the attachments in the file system and not the database?
Yes I am. This was not the thing.
First, I turned on the option 'Use Goldbrick Media system when uploading an attachment'. After that the mod recognized my .mov file when I attached it, but refused to play it. It said that the QuickTime plugin was not installed though it was.
Second, I tried to make a hyperlink to a copy of the same .mov file placed to my server. The mod didn't recognized the link. When I manually added [media][/media] around the link, the mod recognized it and started to play.
Anyway, thanks for your help,

(though the mod doesn't play my .mov attachment, so I've removed the attachment)
And one more thing. The window cuts the QT player's control bar a little. I tried to increase the window size, but this was helpless, it doesn't have an influence on it at all. You can look at it here:
(the forum is in Russian, sorry)