I had an issue with one of the requirements that limits this mod to be installed on the same subdomain. Luckily, I found a quick-fix solution around the issue:
Wordpress and Vbulletin must use the same domain name.
I setup a blog located at vend123.com/blog but the forums are located at forums.vend123.com. There is an issue with this regarding the domain and that's only because of the vBulletin cookie. The issue is this script needs to access that cookie, but that cookie is registered at forums.vend123.com, which means anything on vend123.com won't be able to access it. To resolve the issue, the cookie needed to be set to .vend123.com (i.e. cross domain cookie). This can be configured within vBulletin's options by going to
AdminCP->vBulletin Options->Cookies and HTTP Header Options under
Cookie Domain. From the "Suggested Settings" drop-down, select
.yourdomain.com. This should solve the problem!
EDIT: Make sure you clear your vBulletin cookie after performing this (just log-out and log back in).