DataManagers are used to manipulate the data in the vBulletin database. They have no connection with the system you are using to get the data. They are basically an API that will provide an interface to edit/insert/delete data without having to access the tables directly. You can find more information in our Articles section.
Sorry made a typo in my previous post, you should be using unserialize() on the string to get an array.
PHP Code:
$string = 'a:1:{s:2:"cc";a:1:{i:10;s:5:"LeonL";}}';
$array = unserialize($string);
echo "<br />Var string: " . $string;
echo "<br />Array array: <pre>";print_r($array);echo "</pre>";
Would result in:
Var string: a:1:{s:2:"cc";a:1:{i:10;s:5:"LeonL";}}
Array array:
Array( [cc] => Array ( [10] => LeonL ))