Originally Posted by djr
Finally! Excellent! I'll have to wait for the permission based version though, as I only want this for moderators and up. Any timeframe for the additional features?
I'll aim to do this next, probably early next week, depends on whether I encounter any glitches.
Originally Posted by yahoooh
it should have editor in the user cp
I'll be integrating vB_editor after I've added the usergroup permissions.
Originally Posted by ishare
I beleive its very usefull addon.
It may sound u strange but, is it also possible to use it in newthread template as well ?
Why am i asking this ? For all movie reviews, we use the same template. Then we edit this template with the movie details we gonna post. So this kind of addon would make our job much easier, if we could choose the template (there are 4 different templates) from the selection box...
Thanks in advance
Good idea I'll look at adding that as optional extra