KevinL - Try removing this chunk of code from includes/functions_quoteit.php (also, post a list of the other mods you have installed):
PHP Code:
$settings[1] =& $quoteitoptions['ratings'];
$settings[3] =& $quoteitoptions['moderatequotes'];
$settings[0] =& $quoteitoptions['showrandomquote'];
$settings[4] =& $quoteitoptions['numbertomoderate'];
$settings[2] =& $quoteitoptions['averagethreshold'];
$settings[7] =& $quoteitoptions['totalthreshold'];
$settings[5] =& $quoteitoptions['enablecontext'];
Dr. Bantham - I've never used the post datamanager, so I'm not sure how to do it off the top of my head, but you'll want to add it at the end of the add_quote function in includes/functions_quoteit.php.