Originally Posted by BuCwIld
we just goto admincp>products and import your new xml right? we overwrite also correct? is there a way to get a link that can be sent over say aim,yahoo im ,etc without having to email?
Yes overwrite the xml.
To get your link, invite someone using an email address then on the same page you will get a list of sent invites. On the left side of that table is the
invite key
In admin CP-> Options -> Invitation System Options
Invitation Code Link
Display the invitation code as a link to the registration option in usercp?
If set to YES, then right click the invite key and copy link location and paste it into aim, yahoo, or any other chat window.
If set to NO then copy
somewhere (***note you have to enter the hostname and where the X is, your profile number)
then copy the invite key after that without any spaces.