This is what im saying, I dont have the default navbar, usercp or forumhome. I am using a totally custom code..
I just need a link so I can add a manual link =]
Why don't you create a new default vBulletin style and get it from there?
Well not just online.php, but on the forum index too, where the online list is included. It shows for you on these things, but only when you're logged in. Anybody else can only see the markup on your profile or your posts.
I've tested this with being a guest and viewing the "Who's Online" page and I can see the markup just fine?
- Online.php (viewing online.php) This was fixed last time I checked
- Forumdisplay.php (Who's viewing forum/thread There isn't an efficient way of doing this as there are no query hooks, therefore a query would be required to fetch every peice of markup
-Thread starter & last poster in forum display Not a place where usergroup markup is shown by default so it won't be done yet.
- Last poster on forum index. Same as above