This mod will be excellent if improved and made below suggestions:
- Selected members should be shown in their profiles, postbits and who's online page including online sign (

- (Last Activity time/date) in profile & pages that have last activity must be faked too to show the member presence.
- It should add members to "People logged in the past 24 hours"
- Not change members with every view of the forumhome but fake log them in for the same duration as the cookie timeout. For example drop off the who's online after 30 minutes of inactivity. If I set the fake users to 1, I'd like that same 1 person logged in for 30 minutes and seen by all members online (same 1 person), and then have it change to another member.
Above suggestions is collected from the users installed the mod including me. If above suggestions are note included, the mod will create trouble to the board owner as members will notice.
I am willing to pay for adding these suggestions in the product.