Originally Posted by gpc10347
Rut roh..
I'm in the initial stages of diagnosing a slight problem but, admittedly, I have several mods installed:
I lost the ability to Save any changes made within User Manager. I'm not sure that I lost it when the security patch was released and honestly, I'm not sure I had it prior to installing the CIS mod but, here's the tricky part:
If I go to the Plugin & Product area and locate Product : Comprehensive Ignore System...
Uncheck: Add clear ignored thread button to useradmin
Everything is fine.
Anyone else experience anything of the sort and - what might I need to change to turn the option back on?
im having the same problem ...
Originally Posted by Jafo232
I have been testing this and have not had any problems saving changes.. I know it is asking a lot, but have you tried disabling other products that use any of the following hook locations?:
im not really sure what would be using those hook locations
Originally Posted by gpc10347
Just for grins, I enabled and disabled several other plug-ins and as a final straw, I removed "print_table_footer();" from "Add clear ignored thread button to useradmin" useradmin_edit_column2 and Voila, it's working (and saving) (Was this a bad experiment?)
thanks for the fix

i would have never of found it.
is there any negative reprocussions from making this edit to the "add clear ignored thread button to useradmin" plugin? everything seems to be working fine now. :up: