Originally Posted by TsirhCitna
Yes I do have a lot of hacks installed, but I'm fairly certain it's the auto tagger that is giving me the issues. It happens when I run the maintenance script to either auto-delete or auto-add tags. The default is 1500 threads per cycle, but anything above around 350 gives me the memory error.
Well, yeah, there you go, even 350 (let alone 1500 !) is a lot to be processing in your server memory in the same script run - especially if you have many hacks that use hooks in the thread datamanager. You could look to increasing the amount of processing memory allowed in your php.ini, but while it will get rid of the error it will also drag down your server during that processing. It would probably be better to just continue to use lower numbers when using that function.
Originally Posted by manutdvn
I installed this mod, but could not use with vbookie. Does there any body have the same issue with me?
What was the problem?
Originally Posted by mrahul
well does this mod work with post thanks add-on ?? As thanks giving would add post count ?
It does. Both integration addons can be found at vbcredits.com