I like the autoplaying Disney music. The music combined with the blue header creates pure atmosphere. It's like being in Disney World. I like the blue and gold of the forum tables themselves. I dislike the large left column and the content block underneath the forums. If your site has one flaw imo, and it only has one, imo, it's what Digital Jedi referred to, about making the ads blend in. They make your forums look like the side addition, when your forums aught steal the spotlight. Still, you've got a good thing going.
EDIT: Actually, the left hand column is fine, on second thought, but the huge Amazon block underneath really stands out. It looks unfinished. The left hand menu looks quite professional, but I still stand by not liking the huge content block underneath the forums. Maybe fill in the dead space in its lower and right hand corner? I'm not sure where else that content could go. Your forums are like one of those number puzzles with several rows of numbers and one blank. It seems like just a flip and a twist will make everything fall in place.
EDIT2: Maybe if List Mania and Similar Items went to the right of the largest center block, it'd give it more symmetry and you wouldn't have so much empty white? I dunno. My forums have the same problem, in the blog region, so I know layout can be a struggle.