Okay, first of all, it looks like you are running a very, very nice forum/site there, and the domain for starters is certainly well suited for the topic. Easy to remember, good for search engines and likely quite valuable.
The style looks nice from what I can see, but it does look a bit overwhelming with all the blocks of content and links everywhere, and the top ten stats is pretty useless compared to everything else you have there. Also, you should update the welcome message.
The content variety is nice though. Quizzes are really good, and suit the topic. The videos area looks nice, and the Amazon shop is a nice thing as well. Well done on the range of things to do, although if anything, an arcade would be the only thing left (Disney related games of course).
To be honest, I like also what you've done with the top most nav bar, it looks like the kind of navigation a major content site would have, except it links to the named forums. Maybe something like GARS, except updated would make it look even better and each linked forum feel like a content site normal article? Good anyway though.
I do say to cut out the auto play though, make it off by default with the click to play stuff focused on the user. Good idea for Disney music, bad idea for auto playing it.
Some of the forums look a bit empty though, so I'd say to fill them with content to attract more visitors. All in all though, it's a very nice, well designed forum, so well done!