Originally Posted by bobor
Would it be a simple template edit to change post count to xperience points in the postbit? I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the variables involved to do so.
You would need to change $post[posts] to f.e. $xperience[points]
Originally Posted by lazee
1/ Install with no problem, everything went smooth, but only the shop won't show up in postbit, i recheck step by step and the same , shop not showing.
To get support, you will need to click "Mark as Installed".
There is no shop in postbit. You can display items that you purchased (!!!) in postbit.
Originally Posted by lazee
2/ Maybe there a bug or the problem was mine i don't know, but everytime i click "add category" and decided not to submit , but if i check back manage shop it already create by it self a new category,attach pic.
This is intendet. As you click on create category, it is beeing created. Submitting after that would save only changes.
Originally Posted by Kaycee123
I love your product - would there be any way to do an add-on for a chatbox - the MGC Evo chatbox? If it could just take the number of chats each person has in the past number of days that would be great! Those stats are available in the Archives. Our chatbox is very active - often 1000 chats per day and it would be nice to reward users who are active in it.
Currently I don't have time to do addons. Feel free to use the custom data provider to create your own plugin for this.