Originally Posted by zmmmzz
How do I do this?
Cant wait for the resize image function.
1) First Create a separate Avatar Category for each Usergroup:
In your admincp go to Avatars> Avatar Manager> Create New Avatar Category
2) Go to Avatars> Avatar Manager> (Usergroup Category) Avatar Permissions and select "No" for all usergroups except "Administrators" and the usergroup you setup the category for.
Repeat this step for all the other Usergroup Categories you made.
3) Go to Avatars> Upload Avatar and select the image you use as your "NoAvatar" image. Set the Minimum Posts field to "0" and select the category that will use it. Give it a Title and click UPLOAD.
Note: You can use the same image for each usergroup category but you must upload it for each one separately.
Repeat this upload step for each user.
I only use two usergroup categories so and both have individual images.
I hope this helps you out!