[QUOTE=Stryker412;1585889]Can anyone help me with these issues so I can get this form ready, it's the only issues holding me back right now.
1) Need help with how to implement the Ajax triple dropdown menu on one line.
Post in that thread then, this thread has nothing to do with the AJAX add on.
2) How to make the questions bold when they are posted in a thread.
That's beenc overed before in the thread here.
Go to your answer template and add in bb code where you want it, just like in a regular post on your forums. Just be sure to leave a space between the BB code and the code in your answer template.
3) How to put the user's forum ID or name in the thread title when posted.
Also been covered numerous times in this thread. You might want to use the search in this thread feature in the future when you have questions about how to do something with a mod. It saves the developers and others from having to repeat themselves numerous times and it means that those with questions that haven't been answered actually might have their questions answered and seen....