Originally Posted by PoetJA-1975
Actually - most custom styles have some sort of css styling of the postbit legacy info sections. My postbit includes a simple background gradient and is styled in the Main CSS as
So - I'd simply use the div class to wrap the postbit contents in. So one example would be:
HTML Code:
<div class="info"><strong>$vbphrase[join_date]:</strong> $post[joindate]</div>
See how it looks at http://jpicforum.info/miscellaneous/...-new-post.html
Thats exzactly what I was after. Man your hover link attributes are a tad JAZZIFIED huh !!!
Will give that a go thanks jacquii ( Thanks )
Used your code Jacquii.
Top work, thanks, amended the style, just so we have a box, and thrilled. Thankyou.