Your saying he took all of your licences? Do you have any proof that he has actually used any of them?
As for the "job went wrong"? what does that mean? So you payed him for his work or not? I am confused? What do you mean he could not go past the public directory and what is he threatening you about? Lack of payment?
I think you are jumping the gun if you are saying he has downloaded and is using the scripts just because he had access to them. Generally developers have access to this stuff all the time and unless it was his plan to start with I highly doubt he would pursue anything like that...
There is much of the story missing though. Are you saying that maybe because you owe him money he is using the script?
I really don't know but unless you have any proof that he has used any of the scripts than I think you should just forget about it and move on. I am a little curious though about the "job went bad" statement... Many times when Jobs do go bad it is not the developers fault. You would never know that by reading some of the threads that get posted here on that subject.
Best of luck to you either way. Chances are that many of those companies will find out sooner or later if licences are on the Internet and being duplicated.